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Maptitude Mapping Software

Health Care Data, Demographics, and Mapping Analysis

Maptitude delivers current health care information and up-to-date demographics with location intelligence and mapping tools for your business planning and market analysis. With Maptitude you can:

  • Analyze managed care territories
  • Create doctor/patient/provider maps
  • Map specific health variables
  • Identify locally elevated risks
  • Study health care coverage and utilization
  • Find best locations for clinics
  • Optimize in-home services
  • Access extensive data

Maptitude provides award-winning mapping technology and a wealth of data, all for the unbeatable price of $695.

Demographic and Public Health Data:

Maptitude includes one free Country Package of your choice. When you get the United States Country Package, you get demographic data from the state level all the way down to the Census Tract level. These data include population, income, and poverty variables, as well as fields describing the population with public, private, and no health coverage (both totals and by employment status), and the population with disabilities (by age group). See the U.S. Demographic Data tab on the United States Country Package page for more information.

Caliper also offers five additional health related data sets for free to Maptitude users in the Caliper Store. These data include the locations of hospitals, health clinics, other health care facilities, physicians, and other health care providers. These data are in Caliper's geographic file format and require Maptitude mapping software to open them.

Learn More:

The following links provide more information on using Maptitude mapping software for health care:

Still have questions? Contact Maptitude Sales today at: or call +1 617-527-4700.

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“This is awesome mapping software. We use it to create heat maps of where our patients live. This allows us to intelligently decide where to add services in our area.”

Philip Moya
San Antonio Kidney Disease Center

Maptitude map of poverty level by Census Tract and hospital case distribution

Community health

Patient data aggregated to the County level to preserve privacy

Health variables and trends

Analyze demographics characteristics and healthcare accessibility

Service overlap

Maptitude map ZIP Codes in a MPN with underserved ZIP Codes highlighted

Physician offices

Maptitude map health care center service areas and patients

Provider geocoding

Access health insurance coverage data

Health insurance