How Do I Export a Plan to an Equivalency File?

You can export a redistricting plan at any stage of development and the map features can be from the base layer or any layer that aggregates to features in the base layer. In most cases you will export to blocks.

  1. Choose Redistricting>Plan Utilities>Export Plan.
  2. Choose the selection of districts to export from the District drop-down list.
  3. Choose the layer and choose the identifier field. When you are using the supplied data, the layer and identifier will default to the correct values.
  4. Check “Export as Layer Hierarchy Components” box if you want to create a hierarchical equivalency file.
  5. Enter a name for the equivalency file and click Save.

Maptitude for Redistricting creates the equivalency file in the chosen file format and displays the equivalency file when the export is complete. The single-layer equivalency file contains two columns. One with the field that identifies the map feature, typically blocks, and one with the district assignment for the feature. If you chose to create a hierarchical equivalency file it will also include columns for each layer in the plan hierarchy.

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