ZOOM Toolbox

The toolbox illustrates how to use toolboxes, interface tools, and functions:

  1. Demonstration of GISDK "Toolboxes"
  2. Demonstration of "User Interface Tools" (ClickCoord(), ClickScope(), etc.)
  3. Demonstration of the "ZoomAndCenterMap()" function.


  1. Download the file GISDK_Zoom Toolbox.zip and extract the file ZOOM TOOLBOX.RSC. A good place to save the resource file is in the GISDK\Samples folder in the Maptitude program folder.
  2. Open or choose the map you want to use.
  3. Choose Tools-GIS Developer's Kit-GISDK Toolbar to open the GISDK toolbar.
  4. Compile this toolbox in the test mode using the Compile button (first button).
  5. Run this toolbox by clicking the Test button (second button), typing the name of the dialog box (Zoom Toolbox), clicking the Dialog Box radio button, and clicking OK.