For Immediate Release
April 30, 2010

Caliper comes third in the world in AMD’s "What would you do with 48 cores" Contest

NEWTON, MASSACHUSETTS (USA) – Caliper recently entered a contest held by AMD, the well-known maker of CPU and graphics chips, to come up with the best use for a computer with 48 cores.  We were very pleased that we were awarded 3rd place out of 800 submissions from all over the world for our suggestion to apply the cores to traffic simulation for the purpose anticipating and thus being able to reduce traffic congestion.
You can see the AMD announcement at
Our entry, which features our TransModeler traffic simulator, can be seen at
Caliper’s transportation software applications have been multi-threaded for quite some time, achieving unprecedented levels of performance for computationally demanding tasks.  With TransModeler, multi-threading and many other unique features make it possible to simulate traffic over very wide, heavily congested areas.

About Caliper:

Caliper Corporation is a leading developer of transportation, redistricting, and Geographic Information System (GIS) software. Caliper GIS mapping software is used by more than 70,000 users in over 70 countries.