NEWTON, MA (USA) - The Maptitude 2020 Consumer Expenditure data (USA) are available now. Consumer expenditure provides estimates for the amount of money each household spends, on average, on specific products. The expenses contained in this dataset cover a variety of markets and are reported down to Census Tract. Expenditure estimates for nearly 400 different products are provided, including:
These data are useful for marketing, business, and operations analysts because they allow for analyzing market potential, measuring the effectiveness of sales and advertising programs, setting sales quotas, and developing budgets. Government agencies use the data for administration and planning.
The Consumer Expenditure data are free for Maptitude 2020 users, and is also available as shapefile, KML, KMZ, or GeoJSON for a fee. If you have any questions about Maptitude or data availability contact the Maptitude team.