This add-in shows you how the various colors, area fills, line types, and symbol fonts look on your printer or plotter. Because the final colors produced by a printer or plotter often do not exactly match those on the screen, the best way to see how colors will print is to print all of them in a form similar to the color swatches you see in paint stores.

These printouts also serve as handy reference guides when you are writing GISDK programs and need to look up the number of a color or font symbol.

You can print any or all of nine 8 1/2" X 11" pages of style samples:

  • Colors and fills
  • Line styles part 1
  • Line styles part 2
  • Discrete variable theme colors/fills
  • Continuous variable theme colors
  • Continuous variable theme fills
  • Font point size samples (1-35 points)
  • Caliper font/symbol samples Part 1 (12 point)
  • Caliper font/symbol samples Part 2 (12 point)


This add-in should be compiled and then loaded as an add-in.

  1. Download the file GISDK_STYLESAMPLER.ZIP and extract the file STYLE SAMPLER.RSC. A good place to save the resource file is in the GISDK\Samples folder in the Maptitude program folder.
  2. Choose Tools-GIS Developer's Kit-GISDK Toolbar to open the GISDK toolbar.
  3. Use the "Compile to UI" button (3rd button from the left) to compile the resource file into the same directory. Save it as Style Sampler.dbd. (This also creates Style Sampler.1 through Style Sampler.6)
  4. Choose Tools-GIS Developer's Kit-Setup Add-Ins.
  5. Click Add to add a new, untitled add-in.
  6. Type "Style Sampler" in the Description edit box.
  7. Type "Style Sampler" (the name of the main macro in the resource file) in the Name edit box.
  8. Type the full path and name of the Style Sampler.dbd file(eg., c:\addins\Style Sampler.dbd) in the UI Database edit box.
  9. Click OK to save the new add-in.
  10. To run the add-in, choose Tools-GIS Developer's Kit-Add-Ins, highlight "Style Sampler," and click OK.

Information on installing and using this macro can also be found at the beginning of the file and can be viewed using your text editor.