For Immediate Release
September 28, 2020

TransModeler 6 Is Now Available

NEWTON, MA (USA) - Caliper is pleased to announce the release and immediate availability of TransModeler 6.0, the most effective traffic simulation software available. TransModeler 6.0 takes significant strides in advancing Caliper’s mission to make traffic microsimulation more accurate, more affordable, and more scalable. Complex or time-consuming tasks are easier to accomplish in TransModeler 6.0 with an array of built-in tools, making it the most user-friendly simulation software package available.

TransModeler 6.0 achieves dramatic reductions in model running times, provides significant upgrades to its traffic flow models and driver behavior algorithms, and comes with an improved route choice and path management architecture. Mesoscopic and microscopic simulation, along with dynamic traffic assignment (DTA), are now more cost-effective than ever before.

TransModeler 6.0 better captures US vehicle fleets and driving behaviors out of the box without compromising the ability to adjust settings to model traffic conditions anywhere in the world. TransModeler 6 also reduces model development and calibration costs by:

  • Automatically identifying horizontal curves and calculating radii of curvature for road segments and accurately simulating deceleration and acceleration as drivers traverse them
  • Simulating complex driver interactions in merging and weaving areas better than ever before
  • Adding new car following models for connected and autonomous vehicle (CAV) simulation, including the Intelligent Driver Model
  • Importing turning movement counts directly from spreadsheets
  • Providing tools for easily creating future-year trip matrices
  • Equipping you with new and improved road editing tools

TransModeler 6 introduces new tools for evaluating projects and analyzing alternatives that allow you to:

  • Manage your project alternatives and scenarios more easily
  • Extend your capacity analysis in McTrans’ HCS to microsimulation through deeper integration with HCS for freeway facilities, all-way stop-controlled intersections (AWSC), and two-way stop-controlled intersections (TWSC)
  • Model site impacts using built-in traffic impact analysis tools updated with trip generation rates and methods from the 10th Edition of the ITE Trip Generation Manual
  • Add new performance measures to your analyses, including average phase duration at actuated signalized intersections

For more information on what's new in TransModeler 6, please visit our website.

About Caliper

Caliper Corporation is a leading developer of mapping, redistricting, transportation and mapping software. TransModeler has been adopted as a preferred simulation tool by many U.S. state DOTs and MPOs.