Caliper has extensive and diverse experience in transportation planning and logistics. We are well-known for skills and services in urban transportation and transit planning. Caliper is one of the leaders in demand forecasting for transportation systems and we have developed models for some of the largest travel markets in the U.S. We have performed strategic planning studies and demand forecasting for many leading transportation companies. Caliper has also been a pioneer in the development of practical logistics planning tools for difficult routing and scheduling problems. Caliper is also the developer of TransCAD Transportation Planning Software. TransCAD is specifically designed for transportation applications such as transportation planning, facilities management, public transit, and logistics.
Caliper has performed many sophisticated projects and studies in urban transportation planning. Caliper has specialized expertise in modern methods of demand model development and calibration and in linking demand models with diverse GIS and planning software. Caliper staff is knowledgeable in disaggregate choice models, stated preference models, simultaneous demand models, and has been instrumental in introducing improved modeling techniques in a wide range of projects.
For the Arizona Department of Transportation, Caliper implemented an improved statewide travel demand model to improve destination and mode-choice procedures.
For the Association of Monterey Bay Governments, Caliper estimated, calibrated, and validated an entirely new advanced practice travel demand model using data from the 2010 California Household Travel Survey for AMBAG. The model utilizes innovative techniques to capture travel behavior at a more individual-based level and incorporates disaggregate level data into some modeling stages to assist in addressing elements of Senate Bill 375, which requires analysis of more subtle travel behavior factors and planning strategies, such as land use diversity and density.
For the Capital Regional District, which includes the metropolitan area of Victoria, BC, Caliper Corporation re-estimated models for Trip Generation, Trip Distribution, Mode Choice, Time of Day, and Traffic Assignment providing unprecedented conformity with aggregate travel survey observations.
Caliper was one of four organizations selected by the Federal Highway Administration to develop research proposals for dramatically enhancing the travel demand forecasting process used in metropolitan areas.
For the Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization, Caliper modernized and optimized the consultant-provided trip-based travel demand model.
For the Long Island Rail Road, Caliper developed RailRider, a comprehensive commuter rail travel demand model that simultaneously predicts mode choice, access mode choice, and station choice.
For New Jersey Transit, we developed estimates of demand for a new rail line to Atlantic City. Based upon work trip travel surveys incorporating a conjoint analysis component, mode choice models are being developed to predict utilization of rail service.
For the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority, we developed statistical sampling plans that will enable its commuter railroads to comply with Federally-mandated data collection requirements. For New Jersey Transit, we are providing consulting services to help them meet these same requirements.
For the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority, we developed long-range demand forecasts based upon regional population and employment projections. The forecasting procedure makes use of key modeling capabilities of our TransCAD® GIS software and was integrated within the MTA's GIS software.
For the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority and the New York City Transit Authority, Caliper developed a system of models and software that integrates travel demand models, computer graphics and geographical information systems. Specialized models and databases were integrated with TransCAD® to enhance existing planning tools. This system enables the NYCTA to estimate the consequences of changes in demographics and transportation system characteristics upon subway ridership. In this project we also broke new ground in extending GIS capabilities for transportation demand forecasting.
For the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Caliper has performed toll policy research. Our work investigated the impacts of alternative toll levels upon congestion management, facility utilization and revenues.
For the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Caliper conducted travel surveys and developed a mode choice model based upon stated preference data to predict the response to the introduction of a new ferry service. This work was performed to identify a range of realistic fare and service scenarios for this service.
Caliper has worked with Dr. Robert Dial for the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center to implement T2- a traffic assignment tool that facilitates analysis of highway tolls and congestion pricing. Dr. Dial's T2 code is being implemented in the TransCAD environment.
Caliper's senior staff also has many years of experience in evaluating public transit innovations and improvements.
Caliper has conducted numerous consulting, research, and development projects for freight planning and distribution logistics.
For the City of Austin, Texas, Caliper developed a solid waste route planning system based upon TransCAD®. This system includes a efficient mechanism for workload partitioning and balancing as well as an optimal routing module.
For the Federal Railroad Administration, Caliper created software to geocode and assign the freight traffic from the confidential Surface Transportation Board (STB) waybill sample to a North American rail network created for the project. A user-friendly query tool, RailFlow, developed for this project makes it simple to answer almost any conceivable query based on the processed waybills from multiple years.
Caliper assisted the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center in preparing an enhanced national rail database for use in rail safety analysis. This work included improving the accuracy of existing geographic and associated attribute files through conflation and related automated techniques. A TransCAD® procedure for flowing rail waybills on the network was developed.
For Roadway Services, Inc., Caliper performed a confidential consulting project on air freight to assist in the formulation of future business plans. Caliper's work assisted Roadway in understanding the future market for freight transportation and related services. We also conducted a study to help shape and evaluate plans for corporate initiatives related to EDI.
For the Denver, Rio Grande, and Western Railroad Company, Caliper performed statistical analysis to support system expansion through acquisitions. Previously, Caliper performed statistical analysis of waybill data to verify estimates prepared for regulatory submission of the consequences of the proposed sale of the Southern Pacific to the Denver. We also performed similar work in supporting expert witness testimony before the ICC regarding the proposed merger of the Southern Pacific and Santa Fe Railroads.