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Maptitude Featured Map Infographic:
Average Medicare Payment for Office Visits

Map of Average Office Visit Medicare Payment

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services published a data set with information on services and procedures provided to Medicare beneficiaries by physicians and other healthcare professionals. The data contain information on utilization, payment, and submitted charges by National Provider Identifier, procedure code, and place of service. Caliper used Maptitude to analyze over 1,000,000 of these records coded for office/outpatient visits and computed the average Medicare payment, after deductible and coinsurance amounts have been deducted, per office visit by state and by county. These maps show the resulting regional variations in Medicare payments for office visits based on the data.

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Map: Created with Maptitude Mapping Software by Caliper, June 2014
Source: 2012 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

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