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One of the best reasons to use a GIS is to unearth and analyze the geographic components of your data. Using geographic tools, you can create bands (buffers) around map features, create districts, define areas of influence, perform surface analysis, and create density grids. TransCAD also makes it easy to overlay and aggregate data and calculate statistics.
Ask and Answer Geographic Questions:
Where are areas with the highest population density? How many people
live within one, two, and three miles of a transit stop? TransCAD
answers these and many other types of questions. You can integrate
census statistics with your own data to identify geographic
characteristics that impact you and your operations. You will be amazed
at how quickly you can enhance your decision making using this
easy-to-use GIS tool.
Automatically create rings around any number of map features and then analyze the characteristics of those areas. Find out how many people live within a certain distance of a transit stop, compute the demographic characteristics around sites, analyze the neighborhoods most affected by noise pollution from a highway, or determine accessibility to facilities.
Create territories based on a table or Excel spreadsheet of data, interactively by clicking on features in a map such as postal areas, or manually by drawing whatever boundary lines you require using the editing tools. Your territories can be stored natively in TransCAD or in formats including Shapefile, Oracle Spatial, or SQL Server Spatial.
Drive time partitions allow regions across a line layer to be defined based on network cost. Identify accessibility to transit stops, businesses, emergency services, and more. Partitions can be based on drive time or based on distance.
Visualize point data by transforming the points into a regular grid to identify hot spots and weight the grid based on a value you choose. For example, find concentrations of commercial properties that are weighted by the number of square feet.
Filter features based on geographic location, proximity to other features, by radius, by pointing, by polygon, or based on a value or condition.
Create a table that shows the drive time or distance, or Euclidean straight-line distance, of features from one or more origins to one or more destinations.
Also from Caliper:
Maptitude contains many geographic analysis tools if you do not require the advanced transportation planning modules and utilities in TransCAD.