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Maptitude Featured Map Infographic:
Largest U.S. Dollar Store Chains

Maptitude is the best mapping software for business intelligence! This month's featured map shows the proliferation of the three large dollar store chains in the United States. Dollar chain stores are just one of the many retail layers available with Maptitude.

Since the recession of 2008 the number of dollar stores in the United States has grown substantially. Three national chains dominate the dollar store retail environment: Dollar General, Dollar Tree, and Family Dollar. Combined they had over 24,000 stores as of October 2018. You can see in the map that these stores are most heavily concentrated in the Southeast United States. Mississippi has 17.2 stores per 100,000 residents (that's one for every 5800 people!) followed by Louisiana (16.6) and Arkansas (16.0).

The pie charts show the proportion of each store per state. There is some regional variation with Dollar Tree having a greater presence on the West Coast, Family Dollar having a greater presence in the Rocky Mountain states and New England, and Dollar General having a greater share in the Southeast and Plains states.

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Maptitude map one-year change in personal income

Map: Created with Maptitude Mapping Software by Caliper, August 2019
Source: HERE (October 2018)