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Maptitude Featured Map Infographic:
Walgreens Market Saturation

Maptitude is the best mapping software for business intelligence! Maptitude mapping software can determine how far out from a group of facilities you need to go to encompass a particular population, number of households, number of voters, etc. The map below shows that, in the case of Walgreens pharmacies, 80% of the United States population is within seven miles of one of its stores, an area that is equivalent to just 10.5% of the total area of the United States.

The map also shows a theme of U.S. population density by Census Tract that illustrates that almost all of the most densely populated locations are within that 7 mile buffer.

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Maptitude map showing 80% of the U.S. population within 7 miles of a Walgreens

Map: Created with Maptitude Mapping Software by Caliper, July 2016