Maptitude for Redistricting contains over 35 reports including population summary, error check, political subdivision splits, incumbents, plan statistics, plan components (bill language), plan comparison, communities of interest, and more. You can create your own reports and add them to the report menu. In addition, we can provide you with custom reports based on your specific requirements. The following are a few examples:
The Minority Balance report compares a particular demographic measure (e.g., black population) for a political entity (e.g., county) to the demographic for the portion of the political entity that is in a district. It is designed to reveal disparities in proportionate representation, and might show, for example, that the proportion of black population in the part of a county within District A is 50% less than the proportion of black population in the overall county. See a sample
The Metes and Bounds report included in Maptitude for Redistricting creates a detailed description of the district boundaries in a plan. Caliper will customize the report to utilize the exact language and levels of political geography required in your bill. If done manually, a metes and bounds report takes months and months of staff time to complete and can be subject to numerous errors. Running the Maptitude Metes and Bounds report for all the New York congressional districts takes just a few minutes and the output is a one-to-one match with the Census Bureau's TIGER/Line file. The user has the option of reporting the TIGER/Line ID (TLID) for features that are not named. The user can then use the Maptitude Find function to zoom the map to the feature for further identification. See a sample
Maptitude for Redistricting includes a Plan Components report. The Bill Writing report is a special adaptation of this report customized to use your required language. It creates a detailed description of each district by listing the geographic components in the plan's hierarchy (e.g., counties, VTDs, blocks; counties, tracts, blocks). See a sample