NEWTON, MA (USA) - The locations of businesses and points of interest are now available for the USA, Canada, United Kingdom and Ireland, Australia, and DACH (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland). These are free for Maptitude 2020 users.
The downloads include points with company logos for automotive, bank, cellular phone, convenience store, gas/petrol, grocery, hotel, pharmacy, restaurant, and retail chains. The point of interest categories include shopping malls, banks, restaurants, shopping, auto dealerships, grocery stores, pharmacies, medical service, and hospitals. These business location layers are perfect for site location, competitive analysis, routing, and real estate reports. Each point location includes address and phone number. Click for a full list of the business categories available.
Maptitude includes a vast amount of business critical data at no additional cost, such as demographics, boundaries, streets, and the most accurate ZIP Code/postal boundaries available. If you have any questions about Maptitude or data availability contact Caliper.
Caliper Corporation develops state-of-the-art Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software. With a focus on usability, Maptitude is designed to be a cost-effective, professional mapping software product. Maptitude enables organizations to leverage their location-based data to improve decision making and planning, while minimizing expenditure through competitively priced solutions.
Caliper is a privately held corporation and is a leading developer of mapping, redistricting, transportation, and GIS software.