What is Traffic Impact Analysis Software?

Traffic impact analysis (TIA) refers to the general study of the degree or extent to which proposed land use developments, and the traffic they are expected to generate, will affect the adjacent or surrounding transportation system. The purpose of such studies is often to determine which set of roadway capacity improvements (e.g., installation of a traffic signal or turn bay) might be needed to support the anticipated demand and/or to mitigate the adverse effects of the increase in volume.

You can use TransModeler traffic impact analysis software to help you perform TIA studies. You can use standard ITE or custom trip generation rate data to determine the traffic to be generated, discount the generated traffic for considerations such as alternative modes, internal capture, and pass-by, and distribute the resultant vehicle traffic to the network either manually or via a variety of commonly-used methods.

Subsequently, you can simulate the background, or preexisting, traffic with and without the traffic generated by the development site in various project scenarios to gauge the impacts of the development and the efficacy of different mitigation strategies.

What is Traffic Impact Analysis/Traffic Impact Analysis Defintion: Traffic signal operation study with TransModeler traffic impact analysis software

Traffic signal operation study with TransModeler traffic impact analysis software

Traffic Impact Analysis Software

TransModeler SE is a complete traffic impact study solution in one software package.

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