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1. What do I need to do before I enter the P&E Mgt-Settings?
3. Can I use the same base map for a redistricting plan and as the Precinct Map in the P&E settings?
8. How can I add highways to my map that are only for my area?
10. On what version of TIGER is the Maptitude for Precinct and Election Management data built?
11. Can I use a dummy variable for the control field if I don't care about control field values?
12. Can I have null values in the control field?
13. How can I make my own geography appear in the hierarchy?
14. Can MCDs be included in a hierarchy?
15. How can I label the borders of my districts with feature names of streets, etc.?
17. Can multiple users share the same geographic file over a network?
19. How can I display the Plan Components Report with shortened tract or block numbers?
20. Why are ZIP Codes missing from my street index?
21. Some of the addresses are linked with the wrong place name in my street index. What can I do?
23. How do I locate voters whose street name starts with a number?
24. How can I get the Legal Description report to use my own streets layer data?