What is a Population Summary Report?

A redistricting Population Summary Report reports population, deviation from the target value, and the percent deviation from the target value for each district using all of the recommended measures. The report also lists the total population, ideal population, population range, ratio range, absolute range, absolute overall range, relative range, relative overall range, absolute mean deviation, relative mean deviation, and standard deviation. If your plan includes multi-member districts, the report will contain a Member column, and the data will be adjusted accordingly.

What is a redistricting population summary report/Population summary report definition: Maptitude for Redistricting population summary report

Software for Redistricting

Maptitude for Redistricting is the professional tool for political redistricting. Designed with input from redistricting professionals, state legislatures, and political parties, Maptitude for Redistricting has the features redistricters want and is easy to learn and use. Maptitude for Redistricting includes a full suite of reports including population summary, incumbents, plan components (bill language), plan statistics, metes and bounds, communities of interest, core constituencies, measures of compactness, and more.

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