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Maptitude for Redistricting

Congressional Redistricting Software - Redrawing Congressional Districts

Congressional redistricting is a complex process incorporating input from a wide variety of stakeholders. For congressional redistricting, the state legislature and/or redistricting commission play the major role. Political parties, public interest groups, individual citizens, and legislators who are not part of the core redistricting group are also active in the process. Each stakeholder group has different needs, and each group approaches the redistricting process from a different perspective, level of effort, budget constraint, and functional need. That is why Caliper developed Maptitude for Redistricting.

Maptitude for Redistricting is the ultimate in redistricting software. It is used by a majority of the state legislatures, redistricting commissions, political parties, and public interest groups. A web-based version, Maptitude Online Redistricting, is suitable for individual citizens and legislators who wish to propose boundaries for their district or even an entire plan.

Maptitude for Redistricting now includes an AutoDistrict tool for impartial automatic redistricting. Create balanced, compact, and contiguous districts automatically.

To learn more about the congressional redistricting features in Maptitude for Redistricting, please see the Features page or contact Caliper Sales at or by phone at 617-527-4700.

Learn more: Maptitude for Redistricting Case Study: Rutgers Law School

Maptitude congressional redistricting software

Congressional district plan created with Maptitude congressional redistricting software

Redrawing congressional districts with Maptitude

Redrawing congressional districts with Maptitude for Redistricting

Mapping congressional districts with Maptitude

Mapping congressional districts with Maptitude for Redistricting

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