How do I download the free healthcare map layers for Maptitude?

Last Updated: September 7, 2023

The healthcare map layers for Maptitude are accessible as a free download for anyone with the latest version of the software. There are four layers as part of this download: Healthcare Organizations, Healthcare Providers, Hospitals and Primary Care Service Areas (PCSA). In this tech tip we describe how to install the layers and add them to a map.


The following steps outline how to download and install the free health data layers for Maptitude:

  1. Download the data from the Caliper Store. NOTE, you must have the latest version of Maptitude to download these layers.
  2. Once the files are downloaded, click OK, and then click the Install button. Follow the prompts to install the layers. Installed with the layers will be this PDF.
  3. To add one or more of the layers to a Maptitude map, open the map, click  on the Standard toolbar, and click Add Layer in the Layers dialog box.
  4. Browse for the folder where the downloaded data are located (e.g., c:\ccdata\Caliper Healthcare Data 2019\). Choose one or more of the healthcare data layers and click Open in the File Open dialog box.
  5. Maptitude adds the layer(s) to the map. Close the layers dialog box to see the layers on the map. Note, you may have to zoom in or turn off autoscaling if your map scale is outside of the autoscale settings for the layer(s) you chose. You can turn off autoscaling in the Display Manager by right-clicking on a layer and choosing Show Layer or by clicking the red magnifying glass icon next to the layer.
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